Dienstag, 10. April 2012

sparkly woods

ich war in den vergangenen tagen draußen und hab die
paar sonnenstrahlen genossen um ein paar fotos zu machen
als andenken an meinte alte haarfarbe. hoffentlich hattet ihr alle schöne ostern
und habt wenigstens ein bisschen sonne.
xx Frauke.

i was out the last days and took some pictures to catch the sun
eventhiugh there wasn't much and i wanted to show you how my
hair looked the last month.
i hope you had a blessed easter.
xx Frauke.

3 Kommentare:

  1. Oh these are lovely dear! And your blog is just perfect! I saw your blog through a nadia's blog and fell in love with it! I am looking for new blogs to follow, and if you are interested in doing a following back leave a comment :3 Mine's www.elishayates.com


  2. Wonderful hair and blouse!

    I see you've just started- so I wish you a happy blogging! ;)

  3. thank you both.

    and i will follow you!
